Root canal treatment
The techniques that we use mean that root canal treatment can be done almost without pain and very quickly.
To ensure pain-free treatment, it is vital to find all the root canals. Since some of the nerves are very thin, we use an extremely powerful microscope.
Root canal treatment is needed when a tooth dies and an infection is at risk of spreading. The dead nerve tissue has to be removed - the tooth is left in place.
First the tooth has to be drilled under a local or general anaesthetic. To create a sterile working field, the tooth is isolated using a (rubber) dental dam. The tooth is then internally cleaned and disinfected, and after this step each individual root canal is sterilised using a laser. A medicine is injected that causes the inflammation to settle down. The tooth is then temporarily capped. You can eat normally immediately afterwards.
After a few weeks, once the inflammation is gone, the treatment is completed.